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SEO audit report of your website

What is an SEO Audit?

The process of evaluating your website to see how marketable it is is called an SEO audit. A thorough SEO audit looks for problems on your site and decides how to enhance its performance so you can rank higher in search results (SERPs).

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a method of enhancing the visibility of your website in search engine results. Because the majority of people only look at the first page of search engine results, it’s critical to optimize your website so that it appears among the top relevant results.

Regular SEO audits, whether you have an SEO plan in place or not, may help you get a real-time knowledge of how well your website is doing and how to improve its Google rating.

Why is an SEO Audit important?

Every website is unique, therefore it’s critical to have a unique perspective on how yours is doing. You’ll have a better understanding of how to develop and execute a clear SEO strategy after doing an SEO audit.

Here are 7 compelling reasons why you should do an SEO audit right now!



Search engines strive to present consumers with the most relevant information possible. It accomplishes it by determining when and where the search engine displays a top-ranking site using its algorithm.

Google’s search algorithm considers a variety of criteria, including a page’s relevancy and usability, and goes through a thorough process that includes live testing and search quality raters. Visit Google’s How Search Algorithms Work to discover more about how Google’s Search algorithm works.

Other search engines, like Yahoo and Bing, are continuously upgrading their sophisticated algorithms in order to offer better search results. To keep your website current, you’ll need to be informed of these changes.

It’s critical to follow best practices and perform frequent SEO audits to identify areas for improvement if you want your website to rank among the top sites on search engines.



Improving your website’s overall user experience can help it rank better in search engine results pages (SERPs). Because Google’s algorithm prioritizes delivering a positive online experience for its visitors, technical aspects like as site speed, mobile responsiveness, and usability are critical for your website..

Site Speed

Consider optimizing your pictures, compressing big files, minifying CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, and minimizing redirects to enhance the performance of your website.

These important areas will be highlighted for your convenience during an SEO audit.

Mobile Responsiveness

Google has enabled mobile-first indexing on all websites as a result of the growing number of people accessing webpages on phones and tablets. This implies it will prioritize your website’s mobile-friendliness.

Websites that aren’t mobile-friendly don’t rank highly on Google. On both desktop and mobile, it’s critical to ensure that the entire website experience is excellent.

The non-responsive web pages will be identified during an SEO audit so that they may be readily updated.

Outdated links and content

It’s possible that the information on your website is old or includes broken links. With an SEO audit, you can be certain that the information on your website is current and relevant. This will give your returning visitors an incentive to keep coming back to your website.



Proper title tags and meta descriptions assist search engines understand what your website is about. All web pages must have appropriate title tags and meta descriptions.

The title of a web page is specified using title tags, which are HTML elements. It appears on search engine result sites as clickable text and is extremely essential for usability. It also appears on social media when the article is shared.

On a search engine result page, the text that appears underneath the title tag. This has an impact on the probability that someone would click on your result, but it has no direct impact on your SERP ranking.

An SEO audit may help you figure out which pages need more specific keywords in their title tags or meta descriptions..


Understand your top keywords

Proper title tags and meta descriptions assist search engines understand what your website is about. All web pages must have appropriate title tags and meta descriptions.


Title tags are an HTML element that defines a web page’s title. It appears on search engine result sites as clickable text and is extremely essential for usability. It also appears on social media when the article is shared.

Meta description 

is an HTML property that gives a web page summary. On a search engine result page, this is the text that appears underneath the title tag. This has an impact on the probability that someone would click on your result, but it has no direct impact on your SERP ranking.

An SEO audit may help you figure out which pages need more specific keywords in their title tags or meta descriptions.



An SEO audit includes information on how your organic internet traffic is doing in comparison to market trends. You can examine website visitors by custom categories such as demographic data, traffic by channel, and much more with Google Analytics. This information may assist you in learning more about your website visitors and how to better engage them.

You may also compare the performance of your website traffic to prior years to see if there are any areas for improvement.

An SEO audit will assist you figure out if your data has any outliers and what the best line of action is.




How long has it been since you browsed beyond the first page of search results? Because most consumers only look at the first page of a Google search results page, it’s critical to get the highest position possible via organic SEO.

Consider that the top position on a results page receives 43.32 percent of the clicks, while positions 2 and 3 get 37.36 percent and 29.90 percent of the hits, respectively. These figures indicate that just ranking higher than your rivals will result in a 5% increase in website traffic.




Whether you’re a tiny or big company, if you’re not on the first page of Google for your industry’s keywords, your competitors are almost certainly there.

An SEO audit will show you how your rivals are doing in comparison to you. It aids in identifying SEO actions in which your rivals excel as well as areas where your company may improve.

Because your opponent is likely to have an SEO plan in place, it’s critical to make an active effort to organize your SEO strategy with frequent SEO audits. If you’re not doing it, chances are your rival is.