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Blog Copywriter​

Blogs Position You as
the Authority

Blogs are one of today’s most popular marketing tools. Once considered only an instrument for self-expression, they’re now seen as an effective method for building a brand and generating sales.

A well-written blog becomes a platform that enhances your relationship with existing customers, exposes your company to potential new customers and positions you as an industry expert

Technical Skills Not Required​

No technical ability needed to publish your posts. If you already have a company website, you may be able to simply
add a blog to it.

You can also create a stand-alone blog. Your web designer will probably steer you toward a particular theme, which is another word for blog design. That theme can be used as is or customized to your needs

Blogs Help with SEO

Blogs that are integrated into your corporate website can help your site gain search engine ranking, which then translates into increased traffic. Because you’re continually adding content via your blog, search engines notice that your site is fresh and informative.

Blogs also give you the opportunity to use keywords, those words that your prospective customers are putting into the search box. If you’re selling antique tea kettles, for example, every post on your site can target the keyword phrase “antique tea kettles” as well as related phrases like “18th century tea kettles” and “European tea kettles.”

That type of content positions you as the authority on antique tea kettles both to Google and your visitors, and you can link from your blog to related sales pages on your website

Write Like You Speak​

Keep your website fresh by regularly posting new content. Posts can be as short or long as you desire. Stick to one main point or topic per post.

The most popular blogs today use a friendly, conversational tone. Forget what your high school English teacher taught you about thesis statements and proper sentence structure. Blogging is far less formal.

Instead, write as though you were speaking. Inject a bit of your personality. Talk with passion about your subject or demonstrate your sense of humor. Don’t be afraid to get personal, as that’s the best way to forge a connection with your readers.

Coming up with ideas for blog posts takes creativity.  You’ll want to offer quality content that’s relevant to your chosen niche or your readers will evaporate.  Here are 10 ideas to get you started :

  • New products
  • Upcoming events
  • Industry trends
  • Customer success stories
  • Product or service reviews
  • Behind the scenes
  • Charity work
  • Contests
  • Reader polls
  • How-to information

In addition to well-written copy, make your posts are visually appealing.  Include photos.  Break up big blocks of text with subheads, bullet points, charts, infographics and even video.